Thanks Westland Autos Group

Thanks Westland Autos Group for looking after my Golf Professional mates. It is with your help we are able to play this game for a living and have a chance at achieving our dreams on the bigger stages. I wish I could have made it out for the trip this year to play the Western Australian PGA Championships but the event clashed with the PGA Tour China Tour. Hope next time round the scheduling permits me to return to the Gold Country.


(Below Information from Jordan Mullaney Golf Facebook Page) Jordan Feat Right

This week we played in the WA PGA Golf Championship at Kalgoorlie golf club. First of all I would like to thank Trevor Nitschke and Westland Autos team for helping us out with the car this week! We would also like to thank the Railway Motel for looking after us with accommodation for the week! Without this help we wouldn’t be able to do what we do so it is much appreciated! Thanks guys!


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